Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Black Lives Matter movement: Why Gandhi is still relevant - D5

Even in this today, not all countries are based on principled constitutional and justice delivery system, struggling to provide just and equal environment for all. But still, they stand a better chance, compared to those run more traditional lines of religion, monarchy or over powering  ideology. In the constitutional democracies, there are safegaurds to secure basic human rights of everyone and access to justice system in case of infringement of such right. This is the one of the provisions where this system has edge over the rest, even if the rest alternatives promises an epitome based on certain philosophy and fanatics of human race. 

The said, mechanism gives a chance to self correct itself is the saving grace of much critised democratic system especially because of its perceived hegemony with either capitalism or liberalism depending on the person making judgement's based on personal beliefs and bias. 
You must be wondering where does Gandhi comes in all this, the Indian freedom struggle was unique in some ways, even with a segment of freedom fighters revolting and planning armed revolution against the British empire, the majority of the section of leadership at that time and much before the last phase of independence movement, made pleas for rights and liberties of Indian masses. They asked rulers to understand their grievance and work towards providing justice and rights for Indians put at disadvantage by the colonists. It was a gradual and slow process, latter asking for self rule before the voice for complete independence become predominant. It's sounds quite egalitarian and unreal, when oppressed is logical trying to reasons with the oppressor to free oneself from the bonds of oppression. But that's the strake difference, compared to other freedom movements across world. Thats the reason, Indian freedom movement, gave India plethora of leadership of all kinds. It was a democratic movement, with leadership coming from across length and breath of India, working with both masses and also the rulers to reform the conditions. Amazingly most of them worked together for common goals, for enriching lives of Indians and strengthening their resolve to create a just society. We might have not been successful in giving egalitarian society, however the experiment has been unmatched and there is still so much to learn from the approach, methods, functioning and leadership of that era. 
One of the defining personality, Gandhi, is perceived as global leader for his experiments with non violent struggle, at time war and revolution were the only way to obtain the seat of power. What he espoused, might appear fresh, and many religions claim it to be borrowed from the them, however if one keenly observes the leaders preceding him and the movement was focused to make India and Indians gradually avail more rights and just treatment by colonial master. 
What Gandhi effectively did, was to reach out to masses, instilled in them collective spirit and motivated them to protest peacefully for their rights and justice from the very system which oppressed them. He like other leader of times, engaged time dialogue with rulers and reasoned with them while protesting for their rights. 
This is where these methods are unique and relevant. What followed after world wars was new world order. And most of countries agreeing to some basic fundamentals rights and freedoms to the citizens which constitute the nation itself. And this is here, we can see relevance of Gandhian movements for lobby against injustice met out to any section of population in a country, and the pursuit of justice. 

Coming to current protest in USA which have take a global attention, both non violent and violent protest, hastaged #BlackLivesMatter, after broad day light racial hate crime murder by a policeman on duty, which has enraged the majority of population there and also global millenials living in interconnect digital world. Though there is a long history of centuries of oppression and also gradually movement for rights for African American community, the Gandhian methods for non violent protest and working on upliftment of consciousness of masses, making system more just and reasonable and finding a way to finding resolution by mediation, can certainly, work much better then the other methods which involve othering or casting blame or making on section of society perennially guilty. 
What it might invite, is a personal critism of Gandhi or argument of privilege in the understanding, however the focus not be on ruling out alternatives to suit ones personal biases but use methods which will make the world better place to live and will raise collective consciousness of us all. 

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Ravindra Vikram Singh is an advocate practicing at various courts in Delhi. This blog as the title suggest soliloquy, is a monologue on this perception of drama of life and society. Views are personal.