Yes, last two days, I wasn't able to write a blog, I was working around the clock, iCFDR, Easy Classes restructuring, Covid19 relief coordination, Law Interns, Reports and legal work for client. Hardly got time to sleep, eat, worry. I did miss out on writing blogs, but I was way too tired exhausted by the time I wrapped up work for the day and as usual waking up in middle of night to finish the work.
But thats me complaining, the revelant point here is breaking promise we make to ourselves. There are traits to ones personality, and there are some which impacts ones personalities in defining way. One of the defining ones is also, how well we keep well our promises, ones made to ourselves and ones made to others, is also one of those. It might sound silly, but it shapes up who we are, where are we in life today and where are we heading.
It's so easy to make a promises to resolution, especially to oneself. It's equally easy to let it go. It is like air we breath, each second we can make a promise and next second move on to next one. It's advisable to not pronder over them, for fear of overthinking, but, we need to be aware, each good promise undone is a battle we have lost. I must have lost thousands of such battles, especially when you are down and beaten, and still dreamy you make one everyday to shine bright, but then darkness within and outside engulfs you. It becomes the new normal.
What can take you out from there, can be a smallest of that dreamy promise to shine and struggle. It ensure you, get into habit of winning these battle with ourself, day by day, and gradually making it habit. To fight, survive and win. To live strong with broken vows or to die down lying down its your choice. And choice is not in choosing the outcome, but choose to keep up with promise you make to yourself or letting them go.
It could be a smallest of one, to rise up early and see the sun, to cook a meal, to dress up, to take a walk, to smile in pain, hold someone's hand to help, to study, to read a book, to make new friends. It's easy to give in, to believe life goes on. It never does, life is each second you have and each promise you make. It's in you and it's you. Nothing outside of your. Not everything works out, but might hurts most are those unkept promise.
Yes, those promise, lying in history, will come back and haunt, will pull you back in downward spiral. Hence, don't let them go easily, even if you have to draft yourself to fulfil the promise do it. Make it habit to ran, drag, fight for your promise, in every situation and condition.
Apart from force majeure incident, legally term for unprecedented happening, things out of your or peoples control, the unkept promise would come back.
Don't let them go! Don't let yourself go!
Its a lifetime each second one you do, its life when you keep up them
Thanks friends for pushing me to not to miss writing daily blog, thanks for this helping hand to keep up with my promises to myself. It's means a lot.
I start writing in 30-May-2020, and I hope it will go on, unless for a force majeure event.
Best Wishes,