Let's start, it happens with all of us, time and again, that we wonder our place in cosmic order/creation, it gets easier for those who accept a religious order to supplement their understanding and hinge it to the belief system of the faith. I said easier because, it saves time, you leave it to the books, traditions being followed, leaders giving illustrations and community support its plus practicial, it's easier figure out what to do when one is dead, one prays to some super power, or one gets married and laid. Sometimes, it also comes with dress code, food and code of conduct, hence even if you haven't had good parenting or came from background without support system, religion fills in. To faithfully it fills in like sugar in water and to unfaithful like garbage in sea.
I think there are three types of followers, I mean those sorted about their place in bigger scheme of things if any. First kind are good hearted ones, either born in religion or invited by the next type, they are the stars of any religion brand ambassadors, they might live unknown life's, but these are the ones who gets the religion going in tough and bad times and help it to grow in good times, they are just there living their life's, sometime even questioning religion but largely within confines of super structure of faith. Second kinds are adventurous, they are ones proselytising, they are resolute, with extensive plans and pursuantions to show others are way, they are also the ones who lead and mislead, among them are one who become icons of religions, sometimes it's messengers too, and they are also the ones who would not let you questions belief system. They control the first lot and the third lot. In all, these are the ones who invite you to religious discussions, might offer you a book, or shoulder to cry on, loan with religious message, might also help your understand their foods and lifestyle, it's benefits. Ofcourse, exact ones to be afraid of. Thirds ones, are just lame ducks, they don't question but follow, they might not even understand prayer but they pray. They are also the ones who are generally preyed upon, large masses busy living their life's but at the same time emotional bound to religion. Largely for reasons, it regulates their life's. It adds meaning to life. Unfortunately, these are also the who can be bought over and sold over yet again.
I think the above discussion was important to understand our place, as many of us might fall in one of those kinds, or might have transversed through those categories over life. It's normal, as religions control our life in other way, I think, all other counter parallel world's haven't been able to match the intensity of control of religions over humans. It's understandable, as it gives on place in the cosmic order, and some peace to accept atleast someone has figured it out for them.
Reverence, is a beautiful paradox, it's allows one to get all the answers simultaneously it also ensure those who ask difficult question are shut up. Mordern world was supposed to be free to question those established principles of faith. But like all other good things, faith has overtaken. Sadly, it has overtaken constitutional legal system too, key words are freedom to practice faith, phobia, free speech, blasphemy, way of life, culture etc. The humongous task humanity undertook in last few centuries, is being gradually undone. It has become easier and convinient for the current politicians to give in, to demands of overpowering religious lobbies. They have forgotten, efforts their predecessors to get communities rid of shackles of religions and imperilism. It has taken concentrated efforts to lay foundation for a system where religion is confined to private and personal space though have public presence. They able to put where it claim to belong, confirming ones place in the cosmic order, but without upsetting the outer world. The currently leadership also didn't gone through struggle neither delved in these thoughts, born in post industrial world, it's relishing the material development. It takes huge responsibility and foresight to make human race more rational and empathetic but now leadership fashions itself to be convinience provider, to help you with economic growth and jobs, things which can co-exist even with most religious kinds. Plus, it's easier to get votes in democratic system either by identifying by oneself with religion or not questioning the beliefs of adherents. And for those not in democracy, it's all irrelevant, find democracy ones, it's the beginning.
Coming back to our place in cosmos, you must have figured it out, while commenting on others who have figured out their place in cosmic other, I am strangely nowhere. Nowhere, yes! But we can still be happy, to be nowhere in this Cosmos like everything else in there. While science figures it out, and religions fight over it, you can live in the non existent space. But unlike, cosmos, which might still be there if everything else go. We need to nurturer the system which let ones thinks and live freely, for its threatens the majority. If you have a doubt, make 5 statements questioning basic tenants of 3-4 major religions, even if you have taken a neutral approach, some of your friend's will cringe. Some friendship might be lost forever. Without any qualms for freed speech or your personal choice. That's how shallow the religion stands in cosmic order.
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