Monday, June 25, 2007

Only The Size Gets Smaller

Prize: If u can Guess the content of this blog.......i know many people may be getting weired ideas... but i don't thing u can get even close to it.....yeah its not bet but even i had to choose from various things i could have written under this title... from planets to ... what i m writing about....

And the surprise Ends now ....its about sport....THE thing used most in sports not fields, not even net......something most common ... which is in all the sports....
except Players Of course ...and yeah it is ball
did u even gave it a thought.........if u did than u r indeed smart...cheers!!!!

Lets carry on now with main theme....n i hope u will the ball gets smaller.....things get wilder.........The biggest ball in any sport-fly... i m not joking it does.....n the name of the sport is HOT AIR BALLOON...remeber...or missed it .. too....
IN next case ball gets drastically small from the last one....mind u .....never again there would be such a size... ball is of the most played sport......then comes the most played sport on earth .....FOOTBALL/SOCCER........most people are crazy about it...none of the sport have such a fan following.....player go hysterical over this ball....Taking about hysteria how can we forget RUGBY.......not many sport match the energy level of this sport....if there is energy there is laziness too...the games come to my mind is BOWLING.. quite recent addition to world of sport which is gaining popularity day by u don't need much energy to throw the bowling bowl but you need great amount of it to throw SHOT PUTT.....not a child play for sure THEN comes the balls with which man like to play with.....sorry would not go into details../...on this one..
Sorry i forget to mention Baseball's BALL ..deliberately... as i am myself not sure of its size....saw it only on!!!
Have talked a lot about men's game ..... turn is now of GENTLEMAN'S game no prize for this...CRICKET of course...most popular game in this subcontinent....sum FYI will come back to our subcontinent again....
Sport which gave the i think most most stars in recent era...those who have global presence..n.. personality...TENNIS...a soft ball game......
yeah coming back to our subcontinent.......the game which INDIA gave to the world for change...HOCKEY' ball.....its another thing now that India is not in the nations which play HOCKEY best.......
Coming to ball which are struck by Stick how can we leave .....GOLF the class game...
played in woods.. nowadays played by Woods... who seems to be the only tiger in the woods.....
Then comes officially smallest ball...TABLE TENNIS pong... ting- tong ..coming to the end.......thinking about rest....which I have left...
hhmmmm forgot to mention about oldest balls with mankind....
BALLS.....sorry could not write more..... enough is enough!!!!!!!

Hey smallest ball is still left....thinking that i m crazy... never mind...
truth is at last out.......smallest ball game is MARBLES... at least we Indians know about it.....

SO now you KNOW what changes in most of the sports,.... yeah the size of the ball and nothing u have doubt....i think you are bored time...I will try to keep it!!!!!!!!


Neelabh said...

Dude!! This is not good.

This is getting better..

Write more.

Except few typos, this blog rocks..

Keep blogging

Anonymous said...

Thakela Dimag!!!

Keep up the gud work!!!!!!!!

Well tried !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No Doubt very well written but very boring topic

Anonymous said...

And this one was good....I guess Snooker skipped out of your mind :p

Ravindra Vikram Singh is an advocate practicing at various courts in Delhi. This blog as the title suggest soliloquy, is a monologue on this perception of drama of life and society. Views are personal.