Ravindra Vikram Singh is an advocate practicing at various courts in Delhi. This blog as the title suggest soliloquy, is a monologue on this perception of drama of life and society. Views are personal.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
WOW! my brethren! wow! am new age citizen! wow!
no other rule than last 60 years of freedom has made India and Indians break into pieces and really live a life of hand to mouth, from pubs to trips! their happiness now a measure of stock performance or packages! spirituality is yoga and some books, or small talks abt life! spirituality - if u remember Gandhi's fight was it! einstein regret! ashoka's change! common men satyagrah! but is this new growth more abt making ostrich! we bury are head! and let it be.. at most say good work or join some 5 point agenda!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Beat the Naxals ! Save the people!
In INDIA biggest is how to beat Naxalite, solution lies in why? even if you their point that its by certain section for their rights! we will find the solution! to make the truth come out in open even if they succeed...! the truth would stop the fighters we need to stop their brainwasher!
Naxalism/Naxalite is not that small incident of Naxalwari or band of Robin Hoods...they hv merged, colobrated and developed and lead by their communist ideologues! and its too tough too beat these leaders by development and talk... Give them a place to call their own and experiment their pseudo communist idea,,,is what they want....(this small group of leaders)
How can i say.. look at their modus operendi globally.. customise to india..
that what they do .. karl M for borderless religious lesswork...but everywhere..they try to make his borderless dream work by making new borders..
1) what we need to is cut the link b/w them and normal people..their pseudo leaders and brainwashed fighters should be separated....
2) development of course is necessary, it has to be done... point to be noted currently these people damage any sort of infrastructure! how would they support development like this
3)we need to make sure we spread the message across other parts we need it to tell it to them(fighters), that they are against themselves, people and developement..
Our approach is going wrong because of three reasons!
1)Government being unfocussed about lot of things! even doesn't do well what its focussed on! It need to become government on many scale and centre and state need to have common focus and no cat fights!
2)We are democratic country doest mean communism can do anything within demography! those who say are representing it should have moral duty to make sure India works!
3)Role and effectiveness of policing to increase!
..i hv lot to say..
hw ever if anyone of u feel we may discuss about things!
... pointsfor guessing how..
Naxalism/Naxalite is not that small incident of Naxalwari or band of Robin Hoods...they hv merged, colobrated and developed and lead by their communist ideologues! and its too tough too beat these leaders by development and talk... Give them a place to call their own and experiment their pseudo communist idea,,,is what they want....(this small group of leaders)
How can i say.. look at their modus operendi globally.. customise to india..
that what they do .. karl M for borderless religious lesswork...but everywhere..they try to make his borderless dream work by making new borders..
1) what we need to is cut the link b/w them and normal people..their pseudo leaders and brainwashed fighters should be separated....
2) development of course is necessary, it has to be done... point to be noted currently these people damage any sort of infrastructure! how would they support development like this
3)we need to make sure we spread the message across other parts we need it to tell it to them(fighters), that they are against themselves, people and developement..
Our approach is going wrong because of three reasons!
1)Government being unfocussed about lot of things! even doesn't do well what its focussed on! It need to become government on many scale and centre and state need to have common focus and no cat fights!
2)We are democratic country doest mean communism can do anything within demography! those who say are representing it should have moral duty to make sure India works!
3)Role and effectiveness of policing to increase!
..i hv lot to say..
hw ever if anyone of u feel we may discuss about things!
... pointsfor guessing how..
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
NUCLEAR LIABILITY BILL : or its accident incentive bill
Its strange that such a important bill for India which will effect lot of aspects electric power, FDI, jobs, technology AND ONE OF WORST ACCIDENT IN HISTORY OF MANKINDS IF A SINGLE THING GOES WRONG.
Sorry people as my exams are coming i dont have time to write in detail, but its a issue everyone should look into as if it goes on like this and if any unfortunate accident happen, however unlikely ..it would be worst mistakes of our life... and I feel its for us to spread awarness and ask government to pull of socks as govt across globe are like that ..:) they act on when public forces them too....
AS LIABILITY FIXED IN CASE OF NUCLEAR ACCIDENT IS JUST $458 million (Rs. 2,087 crore) is a meagre comparing to U.S. $10.5 billion or even very less globally, and its not the only fault with it among other things..but lets concentrate on it only as its one of the major point.
as why the reason to keep them low i not understandable, as its not a gaurantee money which company has to deposit..more money in case of accident,..why its so low in india? something is fishy here..reasons could be:
1) Chernobyl disaster like russian nuclear power plant would not happened again:
exact count is not know due to form of govt thr however: The myth is that the deaths have run into the tens of thousands: even as high as 125,000 has been quoted. In 1991 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was quoting 10,000 to 15,000 immediate deaths, without qualification.hhmm lets take west example .. Canada: Chalk River plant near Ottawa, Britain's Windscale nuclear complex , U.S. plant in Idaho Falls, suruga, Japan, Sosnovy Bor station near St. Petersburg, Russia,...long list
they have again forgotten UNION CARBIDE..bhopal gas tragedy, ENRON ... dhobal plant, SATYAM, CORPORATIONS end goes end.
dont kid me... check your corruption ranking, red-tapism, back room deals,... long lisy
JANTA SAB JANTI HAIN.... hhmm.. yea yea..not even debatable... its busy with khap panchayat, tiger disappearing, caste counting,female rights..child issues, quotas, cricket, earning bread.. COME on this would affect everyone and everything in INDIA... its a common issue...wen we can talk abt so many others and thn why not this so important common issue too
what is this than ... ideal governance in best interest of people... I HEARD ENVIRONMENT MINSITRY IS GOOD... worst effect would be environment in case of accident.. then why isnt envoirment people talking.. MAY BE TALK IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO DIRECT RELATION TO BENEFITS ?? not effect..
even other systematic news to follow or feed.. in all big question mark..
wow! at least not uptill now, we rarely find defaulters ...still not been able to give proper compensations in case which are well established.. BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY, ANSAL,.... i guess all indian know a lot abt it..
8) INDIA IS IN SUCH A DESPERATE TIMES that such a risk is worth taking:
but not even government isnt saying its a risk... its just a normal bill...:D
with so many educated representative and voices from all sectors... then why are they so short sighted OR why they are so ok with it? sab chalta hain par daal me kuch toh kala hain???
10)have companies asked them for favour... thn hv thy given a return too? without caring abt such a huge cost...????
We understand that globally its accepted practise to have nuclear liability bill..
BUT what is unfathomable is how these criteria is decide in case of India and why its not on in line with compensations liability of same companies in their home countries...
Lets us people make sure government act...if not then let it know we know
check these link, they have some data but may be biased:
Sorry people as my exams are coming i dont have time to write in detail, but its a issue everyone should look into as if it goes on like this and if any unfortunate accident happen, however unlikely ..it would be worst mistakes of our life... and I feel its for us to spread awarness and ask government to pull of socks as govt across globe are like that ..:) they act on when public forces them too....
AS LIABILITY FIXED IN CASE OF NUCLEAR ACCIDENT IS JUST $458 million (Rs. 2,087 crore) is a meagre comparing to U.S. $10.5 billion or even very less globally, and its not the only fault with it among other things..but lets concentrate on it only as its one of the major point.
as why the reason to keep them low i not understandable, as its not a gaurantee money which company has to deposit..more money in case of accident,..why its so low in india? something is fishy here..reasons could be:
1) Chernobyl disaster like russian nuclear power plant would not happened again:
exact count is not know due to form of govt thr however: The myth is that the deaths have run into the tens of thousands: even as high as 125,000 has been quoted. In 1991 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was quoting 10,000 to 15,000 immediate deaths, without qualification.hhmm lets take west example .. Canada: Chalk River plant near Ottawa, Britain's Windscale nuclear complex , U.S. plant in Idaho Falls, suruga, Japan, Sosnovy Bor station near St. Petersburg, Russia,...long list
they have again forgotten UNION CARBIDE..bhopal gas tragedy, ENRON ... dhobal plant, SATYAM, CORPORATIONS end goes end.
dont kid me... check your corruption ranking, red-tapism, back room deals,... long lisy
JANTA SAB JANTI HAIN.... hhmm.. yea yea..not even debatable... its busy with khap panchayat, tiger disappearing, caste counting,female rights..child issues, quotas, cricket, earning bread.. COME on this would affect everyone and everything in INDIA... its a common issue...wen we can talk abt so many others and thn why not this so important common issue too
what is this than ... ideal governance in best interest of people... I HEARD ENVIRONMENT MINSITRY IS GOOD... worst effect would be environment in case of accident.. then why isnt envoirment people talking.. MAY BE TALK IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO DIRECT RELATION TO BENEFITS ?? not effect..
even other systematic news to follow or feed.. in all big question mark..
wow! at least not uptill now, we rarely find defaulters ...still not been able to give proper compensations in case which are well established.. BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY, ANSAL,.... i guess all indian know a lot abt it..
8) INDIA IS IN SUCH A DESPERATE TIMES that such a risk is worth taking:
but not even government isnt saying its a risk... its just a normal bill...:D
with so many educated representative and voices from all sectors... then why are they so short sighted OR why they are so ok with it? sab chalta hain par daal me kuch toh kala hain???
10)have companies asked them for favour... thn hv thy given a return too? without caring abt such a huge cost...????
We understand that globally its accepted practise to have nuclear liability bill..
BUT what is unfathomable is how these criteria is decide in case of India and why its not on in line with compensations liability of same companies in their home countries...
Lets us people make sure government act...if not then let it know we know
check these link, they have some data but may be biased:
Sunday, March 28, 2010
is the bill in right direction
these are random note on the my thought about the real benefit, i have been able to coherently structure them here as of now
I am still unsure how long the bill will go in developing country! what we need is best people to become mps not depending on sex ,cast or faith, being a mp is not less thn being CEO of a big firm, and these positions should go to best deserving ones, In no way I mean am against women in parliament, i would love to see 50% of them there, but i cant understand ingenuity of quota system,the person who has worked most for people in particular area should get elected, the person who as vision and will to change the society for better.... we cant have quotas in this...
I guess founders of our constitution understood this thats why this provision wasnt made then... even when there was provision based on other criteria..
And now we live in a age where we can opt for better ways to do it ..quota system is out of time...its emotionally appealing. practically we can do these reforms with better methods.. in no way am against women in politics.. i would love to see equal representation by not by what of quotas.
we should understand the need uplift status of women in rural areas & indian homes and work on it, but this way, seems like a game-plan in bigger picture...rather we should law/quota for equal level male/female workforce of country,
but in the areas which are highly skilled like politics and business etc. there should be no reservations only programs and initiatives to help the weaker section(cast, sex or faith wise) to improve and get skilled to required level or otherwise general people would not get what they deserve...
yea i would also like to say it doesnt mean general people are getting what they deserve..but we should try to take step forward ..not backwards... lets focus on making everyone equal...in our struggle to remove biasses from society lets not make it let not become marketeers who play vote bank and emotional cards... rather than showing true statesmenhip by bringing in reforms that make everyone equal
....still working on it would complete soon***
i tired to ans last 4 points, even though wasnt abl to assimilate, thr intend
i guess i was trying last time to say that am for making women equal however do not understand the worth of quota system in the time like these..however if thy can achieve good i am happy as things wud be better...and all the while i was trying to have a discussion on looking at it from different perspective, however everyone is pushing there one agenda, which never has resulted in real progress, as what we sud be trying for is having best approach thn just following ideology or motives of activist to the hilt...
ideology backed by logic...sounds like real contradiction... if one is talking abt communist and democratic ideology or ideology of activity hereby meaning person hell bent on pursuit of specific goal n nothing else... as historical ths hv nt worded and will never do, as those intelligent sounding ppl, would always retrospection say either data was wrong, or implementation, or governance or the culture THEY ACCEPT THE MODEL WAS WRONG, THE EXPERIMENT WAS WRONG,
lets in this age shift are focus from ths one sided approaches to more evolving and ever changing approaches, aimming for common ground that is welfare for all!
whr does RBI and this part came in from i didnt get it, though am interest swarna if you elaborate.... in russia do ppl hv a choice more than India ... big question mark... here again i think i need to say I hv nothing against russia,
as for my choices it wud be pro india, and in my idea of india is pro humanitarian, thats what diversity is all about.
one more point, can some one tell me hw the law wud be implemented on land...has anyone thought abt issues thr..
am sad! you missed the point!
last time i was just talking abt being India
as for reservations thing my point was/is i am sure of the benefit to the nation as whole at the time we are in,
i am for development and equality of sex and if it does it i am in, however we are at very fragile socio-economic time, and i think we could have done it in better way
anyways.. i just wanted to discusses it, from different perspective as any move isnt only about achieve a certain motive, it also involves diverting resources and focus, and may sometime divert the current energy and determination...
hhmm.. i am hopeful that it would achieve its motives, and we will have holistic welfare!
my aim is just to seee India better, and as you say its diverse, it need diverse ideologies and methods, I cannt become better just be heeding to single sort of ideology no one has...
As for being Indian thing, i was talking about last time,
i can completely agree with you India is about diversity,
i thats what india is to me, its not abt one language, color, caste, sex, religion
but its about feeling a bond except for ths differences!
its abt working to create a unity, happiness and faith in the medley of so many different things....
thats what India is and has portrayed itself from ages!
As for political thing, nice to hear you have and experience and first hand knowledge, i am naive but would like to try to make this work better, however i firmly believe no one ideology as in left or right, communist or capitalist would help our nation, we need to have mix for them, we need to have publice private partnership.. as most of times certain ideological person are more after proving their ideology work rather thn making sure things are better in real terms
""what do u mean by INDIAN? thr is no such thing. it is just a politico geographical grouping.""
what are nations.........or geographical marked area,
its would of course be grouping,
till world becomes borderless we have to believe in them...
but things is being Indian means being for that that area,
being patriotic about it, thinking to make it better,
feeling part of it... working for making it better...
thats what being Indian is!
its been one of the oldest geographical grouping with oldest continuation civilization
I am still unsure how long the bill will go in developing country! what we need is best people to become mps not depending on sex ,cast or faith, being a mp is not less thn being CEO of a big firm, and these positions should go to best deserving ones, In no way I mean am against women in parliament, i would love to see 50% of them there, but i cant understand ingenuity of quota system,the person who has worked most for people in particular area should get elected, the person who as vision and will to change the society for better.... we cant have quotas in this...
I guess founders of our constitution understood this thats why this provision wasnt made then... even when there was provision based on other criteria..
And now we live in a age where we can opt for better ways to do it ..quota system is out of time...its emotionally appealing. practically we can do these reforms with better methods.. in no way am against women in politics.. i would love to see equal representation by not by what of quotas.
we should understand the need uplift status of women in rural areas & indian homes and work on it, but this way, seems like a game-plan in bigger picture...rather we should law/quota for equal level male/female workforce of country,
but in the areas which are highly skilled like politics and business etc. there should be no reservations only programs and initiatives to help the weaker section(cast, sex or faith wise) to improve and get skilled to required level or otherwise general people would not get what they deserve...
yea i would also like to say it doesnt mean general people are getting what they deserve..but we should try to take step forward ..not backwards... lets focus on making everyone equal...in our struggle to remove biasses from society lets not make it let not become marketeers who play vote bank and emotional cards... rather than showing true statesmanship by bringing in reforms that make everyone equal
hey i guess ppl missed the point we i was saying..
1) i always want to have 50 % representation not for stats sake as we are equal in number and ability we sud have equal representation.
2) yea, true framer may have failed to visualise or their platter was full, and i would hv supported it thn, but now its arnd 60 years after that time... we should be working now on lifting people on economic bases nt class,caste, creed, sex & religion..though they apppeal much more...in politics sense
3) compared to societies of either iran or some-other nation, indian one is more dynamic in all respects not monolithic nor hv influence of religion in governance, oldest continuing civilization , and this is not a experiment which can be based on theories and experiences, its a case which should be thought abt in indian perspective
4) i am even aware of live examples of quota system in some places which helped in permanent increase in representation of women even after quotas were removed, and if that happens i am happy
6) i agree due to gender biased innuendo there are many men who do not justifiy where they are
5) i am saying mp's the the ceo of the respective constituency, lets make sure they are best persons to do job
6) what i am saying is when india is working hard to become vibrant and voters becoming more responsible... thr has been focus on good governance lately ....lets work on these stuffs...
7) a move like a new quota system could be a ploy to by our ""great"" political system to keep its in-efficiencies in place
8) i said at very first i am unsure, as most of people are madly runing after respective thr issues ... and with lot of marketing involved, its easy to miss bigger picture.. as its easy for some very intellegent people to play with masses with out even masses becoming aware of it
swarna if this is the step forward am with it as i said i am not against the end but means and its cost.... by the way i am ambiguous bcoz of am open to discussions and learning plus wanna knw different perspective.... as for coherent ideology ..they are good on paper only .. i have not seen one achieve its motive ever....
what i am looking for and want to working towards is rational thinking for betterment for society...its not about individul winning its about all of us living in better world..
I am still unsure how long the bill will go in developing country! what we need is best people to become mps not depending on sex ,cast or faith, being a mp is not less thn being CEO of a big firm, and these positions should go to best deserving ones, In no way I mean am against women in parliament, i would love to see 50% of them there, but i cant understand ingenuity of quota system,the person who has worked most for people in particular area should get elected, the person who as vision and will to change the society for better.... we cant have quotas in this...
I guess founders of our constitution understood this thats why this provision wasnt made then... even when there was provision based on other criteria..
And now we live in a age where we can opt for better ways to do it ..quota system is out of time...its emotionally appealing. practically we can do these reforms with better methods.. in no way am against women in politics.. i would love to see equal representation by not by what of quotas.
we should understand the need uplift status of women in rural areas & indian homes and work on it, but this way, seems like a game-plan in bigger picture...rather we should law/quota for equal level male/female workforce of country,
but in the areas which are highly skilled like politics and business etc. there should be no reservations only programs and initiatives to help the weaker section(cast, sex or faith wise) to improve and get skilled to required level or otherwise general people would not get what they deserve...
yea i would also like to say it doesnt mean general people are getting what they deserve..but we should try to take step forward ..not backwards... lets focus on making everyone equal...in our struggle to remove biasses from society lets not make it let not become marketeers who play vote bank and emotional cards... rather than showing true statesmenhip by bringing in reforms that make everyone equal
....still working on it would complete soon***
i tired to ans last 4 points, even though wasnt abl to assimilate, thr intend
i guess i was trying last time to say that am for making women equal however do not understand the worth of quota system in the time like these..however if thy can achieve good i am happy as things wud be better...and all the while i was trying to have a discussion on looking at it from different perspective, however everyone is pushing there one agenda, which never has resulted in real progress, as what we sud be trying for is having best approach thn just following ideology or motives of activist to the hilt...
ideology backed by logic...sounds like real contradiction... if one is talking abt communist and democratic ideology or ideology of activity hereby meaning person hell bent on pursuit of specific goal n nothing else... as historical ths hv nt worded and will never do, as those intelligent sounding ppl, would always retrospection say either data was wrong, or implementation, or governance or the culture THEY ACCEPT THE MODEL WAS WRONG, THE EXPERIMENT WAS WRONG,
lets in this age shift are focus from ths one sided approaches to more evolving and ever changing approaches, aimming for common ground that is welfare for all!
whr does RBI and this part came in from i didnt get it, though am interest swarna if you elaborate.... in russia do ppl hv a choice more than India ... big question mark... here again i think i need to say I hv nothing against russia,
as for my choices it wud be pro india, and in my idea of india is pro humanitarian, thats what diversity is all about.
one more point, can some one tell me hw the law wud be implemented on land...has anyone thought abt issues thr..
am sad! you missed the point!
last time i was just talking abt being India
as for reservations thing my point was/is i am sure of the benefit to the nation as whole at the time we are in,
i am for development and equality of sex and if it does it i am in, however we are at very fragile socio-economic time, and i think we could have done it in better way
anyways.. i just wanted to discusses it, from different perspective as any move isnt only about achieve a certain motive, it also involves diverting resources and focus, and may sometime divert the current energy and determination...
hhmm.. i am hopeful that it would achieve its motives, and we will have holistic welfare!
my aim is just to seee India better, and as you say its diverse, it need diverse ideologies and methods, I cannt become better just be heeding to single sort of ideology no one has...
As for being Indian thing, i was talking about last time,
i can completely agree with you India is about diversity,
i thats what india is to me, its not abt one language, color, caste, sex, religion
but its about feeling a bond except for ths differences!
its abt working to create a unity, happiness and faith in the medley of so many different things....
thats what India is and has portrayed itself from ages!
As for political thing, nice to hear you have and experience and first hand knowledge, i am naive but would like to try to make this work better, however i firmly believe no one ideology as in left or right, communist or capitalist would help our nation, we need to have mix for them, we need to have publice private partnership.. as most of times certain ideological person are more after proving their ideology work rather thn making sure things are better in real terms
""what do u mean by INDIAN? thr is no such thing. it is just a politico geographical grouping.""
what are nations.........or geographical marked area,
its would of course be grouping,
till world becomes borderless we have to believe in them...
but things is being Indian means being for that that area,
being patriotic about it, thinking to make it better,
feeling part of it... working for making it better...
thats what being Indian is!
its been one of the oldest geographical grouping with oldest continuation civilization
I am still unsure how long the bill will go in developing country! what we need is best people to become mps not depending on sex ,cast or faith, being a mp is not less thn being CEO of a big firm, and these positions should go to best deserving ones, In no way I mean am against women in parliament, i would love to see 50% of them there, but i cant understand ingenuity of quota system,the person who has worked most for people in particular area should get elected, the person who as vision and will to change the society for better.... we cant have quotas in this...
I guess founders of our constitution understood this thats why this provision wasnt made then... even when there was provision based on other criteria..
And now we live in a age where we can opt for better ways to do it ..quota system is out of time...its emotionally appealing. practically we can do these reforms with better methods.. in no way am against women in politics.. i would love to see equal representation by not by what of quotas.
we should understand the need uplift status of women in rural areas & indian homes and work on it, but this way, seems like a game-plan in bigger picture...rather we should law/quota for equal level male/female workforce of country,
but in the areas which are highly skilled like politics and business etc. there should be no reservations only programs and initiatives to help the weaker section(cast, sex or faith wise) to improve and get skilled to required level or otherwise general people would not get what they deserve...
yea i would also like to say it doesnt mean general people are getting what they deserve..but we should try to take step forward ..not backwards... lets focus on making everyone equal...in our struggle to remove biasses from society lets not make it let not become marketeers who play vote bank and emotional cards... rather than showing true statesmanship by bringing in reforms that make everyone equal
hey i guess ppl missed the point we i was saying..
1) i always want to have 50 % representation not for stats sake as we are equal in number and ability we sud have equal representation.
2) yea, true framer may have failed to visualise or their platter was full, and i would hv supported it thn, but now its arnd 60 years after that time... we should be working now on lifting people on economic bases nt class,caste, creed, sex & religion..though they apppeal much more...in politics sense
3) compared to societies of either iran or some-other nation, indian one is more dynamic in all respects not monolithic nor hv influence of religion in governance, oldest continuing civilization , and this is not a experiment which can be based on theories and experiences, its a case which should be thought abt in indian perspective
4) i am even aware of live examples of quota system in some places which helped in permanent increase in representation of women even after quotas were removed, and if that happens i am happy
6) i agree due to gender biased innuendo there are many men who do not justifiy where they are
5) i am saying mp's the the ceo of the respective constituency, lets make sure they are best persons to do job
6) what i am saying is when india is working hard to become vibrant and voters becoming more responsible... thr has been focus on good governance lately ....lets work on these stuffs...
7) a move like a new quota system could be a ploy to by our ""great"" political system to keep its in-efficiencies in place
8) i said at very first i am unsure, as most of people are madly runing after respective thr issues ... and with lot of marketing involved, its easy to miss bigger picture.. as its easy for some very intellegent people to play with masses with out even masses becoming aware of it
swarna if this is the step forward am with it as i said i am not against the end but means and its cost.... by the way i am ambiguous bcoz of am open to discussions and learning plus wanna knw different perspective.... as for coherent ideology ..they are good on paper only .. i have not seen one achieve its motive ever....
what i am looking for and want to working towards is rational thinking for betterment for society...its not about individul winning its about all of us living in better world..
holistic view,
quota system,
women bill
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Bigger Picture: A city is at standstill, A Nation isn't thinking, World Looks Away AND HUMANITY DIES
This is first time I am in pain when writing a article not because Bareilly has been in curfew for 14 days because of communal tensions but at the way how public, government and press is behaving on the issue. I am surprised by meekness of press, vanity of public and inactions of government. In this work I don't want to get into specifically this issue, which I am very much interested in, but would like to talk about bigger picture. Its easy to blame politicians for everything. Its easy put blame on religiously dogmatic people. But we should brood over it inside ourselves
It would be easy to understand the underline current driving our leaders or persons we blame for exploiting religion and sentiments of people by using work of Sigmund Freud out in action by Berney, his cousin, in social life as in marketing and public relations, quoting him "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits." as he said in his book "propaganda".
It seems that some people had understood this intuitively or by experience, and they use it to there benefit or for their fundamentalist goals. Why is it that these people can get so much support when communal tensions arises, if we people weren't unintentionally and unknowing giving some sort of support, they wouldn't have been so successful and for so long.
Yea now a very genuine and much hyped question arises that general public doesn't support it, rather they condemn it. That waffles me, as no where we see condemnation on a scale we see support, generally. This can be illustrate by giving example from religions I have seen closely and that have been effected by communal tensions for so long. If in one religion, we talk about them eating a certain animals flesh, that would be expectable and there would be mass protest for the same, even can become a cause for revolt against as seen in first revolt for independence in India. The reason given for it would be sacrilege but disrupting peace would be classified as sacrilege to the extent of mass open protest, even when peace is integral to core of that religion.
By this example I am in no way going against any religion or saying its because of them. Its a reflection on our thinking if i can say that.
I just want to say some people have a knowledge advantage of what we can expect and support to some extent and they use it to exploit the masses. Masses should come to face of the truth that problem will be solved we all look inside ourselves, rather and blaming them.
It would be easy to understand the underline current driving our leaders or persons we blame for exploiting religion and sentiments of people by using work of Sigmund Freud out in action by Berney, his cousin, in social life as in marketing and public relations, quoting him "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits." as he said in his book "propaganda".
It seems that some people had understood this intuitively or by experience, and they use it to there benefit or for their fundamentalist goals. Why is it that these people can get so much support when communal tensions arises, if we people weren't unintentionally and unknowing giving some sort of support, they wouldn't have been so successful and for so long.
Yea now a very genuine and much hyped question arises that general public doesn't support it, rather they condemn it. That waffles me, as no where we see condemnation on a scale we see support, generally. This can be illustrate by giving example from religions I have seen closely and that have been effected by communal tensions for so long. If in one religion, we talk about them eating a certain animals flesh, that would be expectable and there would be mass protest for the same, even can become a cause for revolt against as seen in first revolt for independence in India. The reason given for it would be sacrilege but disrupting peace would be classified as sacrilege to the extent of mass open protest, even when peace is integral to core of that religion.
By this example I am in no way going against any religion or saying its because of them. Its a reflection on our thinking if i can say that.
I just want to say some people have a knowledge advantage of what we can expect and support to some extent and they use it to exploit the masses. Masses should come to face of the truth that problem will be solved we all look inside ourselves, rather and blaming them.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Second time we have a chance to say Eureka
Eureka! I have found the solutions! Should I run from my room at four o clock just he did! Alas mine idea is even more unacceptable; in most part of earth I would not be able to run a meter before I become history! Therefore need for disclaimer: this is a humorous thought, please don’t consider it as writers aim in life or writer being ideologically related to it, this article is just extension of a dream at 4 o’clock in morning which was scary enough that writer could not sleep and had to pen is down on paper for readers to let them know how weird his dreams are and how far he may in the madness! Oh mention of the dream is just coincidental, writer didn’t see the light nor did any supernatural creator appear to his dismay! To go step further this article is not intend to be blasphemous or sacrilegious but as mentioned its random absurd thought!
Now to begin with I have found solution of the one of the oldest and currently fiercest even than most sacrosanct , the religion riddle which is the best, which has best fundamentals and which one is relevant in today’s dynamic environment and how to become peaceful about it. Lets blend modern information technologies and knowledge of how the market works to create Religion Exchange Markets linked across the world! A virtual market where people can buy its bonds/derivative/scribes based on speculation, which in turn would be based on a) market fundamentals majorly due to every religion calling it self best, spiritual and of peace * B) technical analysis based on data showing trends of various aspect of various religions, like following, stickiness, tipping point, areas of expertise etc.
How would and why it solve that problems:
1) Would provide a space to work for fundamentalist of various religions to work for the religion either spreading it or telling its message in peaceful way as if they try to create problem it would directly effect the value of the derivative in the market & plummet it.
2) It would give money and motive to aforementioned people who are at the core of problem creation
3) It would help general public as it say it wants, it would help it move away from what few soi-distant people tell to more informed world where knowledge of one’s religion would be at most.
4) It would convey fundamentalist that consumer is the king, so they will have to sober up their ways, that would make sure they move towards what all holy book say peace!
5) General public will would not be duped in longer run as information would be widely available and any deviation from what’s said in religion to what’s happening or what is professed it is, would lead to weakening of derivative
Why is not wrong and why its a great idea:
1) Its not sacrilegious! As most religion agree there is nothing wrong in educating about the religion, and this would be most practical and undeceived way! Not even once drop of blood will be droped, it would not be top down i.e. few people having knowledge as saying its the best!
2) Its not sacrilegious! Again! As in most religion its allowed to convert! So again it would help in conversion based on true facts and knowledge about religion!
3) Its not sacrilegious! As it would result in no black-marketing in this sector, this would reflect on market fundamentals!
4) It would help in generating employment and giving viable option to disguised unemployment in terrorism sector! As this would need any special expertise or education just awareness about religion and one can trade!
5) Would result in peaceful world may be even help this world become non-nuclear!
Why this is not possible:
They would say its blasphemous! Then they would think its sacrilegious! And that would result in last opportunity left to have this world with religious but tolerant & peaceful! :0
Now to begin with I have found solution of the one of the oldest and currently fiercest even than most sacrosanct , the religion riddle which is the best, which has best fundamentals and which one is relevant in today’s dynamic environment and how to become peaceful about it. Lets blend modern information technologies and knowledge of how the market works to create Religion Exchange Markets linked across the world! A virtual market where people can buy its bonds/derivative/scribes based on speculation, which in turn would be based on a) market fundamentals majorly due to every religion calling it self best, spiritual and of peace * B) technical analysis based on data showing trends of various aspect of various religions, like following, stickiness, tipping point, areas of expertise etc.
How would and why it solve that problems:
1) Would provide a space to work for fundamentalist of various religions to work for the religion either spreading it or telling its message in peaceful way as if they try to create problem it would directly effect the value of the derivative in the market & plummet it.
2) It would give money and motive to aforementioned people who are at the core of problem creation
3) It would help general public as it say it wants, it would help it move away from what few soi-distant people tell to more informed world where knowledge of one’s religion would be at most.
4) It would convey fundamentalist that consumer is the king, so they will have to sober up their ways, that would make sure they move towards what all holy book say peace!
5) General public will would not be duped in longer run as information would be widely available and any deviation from what’s said in religion to what’s happening or what is professed it is, would lead to weakening of derivative
Why is not wrong and why its a great idea:
1) Its not sacrilegious! As most religion agree there is nothing wrong in educating about the religion, and this would be most practical and undeceived way! Not even once drop of blood will be droped, it would not be top down i.e. few people having knowledge as saying its the best!
2) Its not sacrilegious! Again! As in most religion its allowed to convert! So again it would help in conversion based on true facts and knowledge about religion!
3) Its not sacrilegious! As it would result in no black-marketing in this sector, this would reflect on market fundamentals!
4) It would help in generating employment and giving viable option to disguised unemployment in terrorism sector! As this would need any special expertise or education just awareness about religion and one can trade!
5) Would result in peaceful world may be even help this world become non-nuclear!
Why this is not possible:
They would say its blasphemous! Then they would think its sacrilegious! And that would result in last opportunity left to have this world with religious but tolerant & peaceful! :0
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
New Age Citizen
After years of not even thinking about the question, I was caught one the wrong foot when this question was popped up again and again not by any person but continuously by online forums like facebook and orkut! Finally after few years of ducking the answer , I had to ponder over it and realised:
Today I guess I have come to certain conclusion that at least in my regards the following for define me a lot:
The best line to start with would be "today we know price of everything and value of nothing" as famously said by Oscar Wilde. I am humanist at the core, nationalist for my country, democratic by nature, socialistic for capitalistic, capitalistic for communistic, welfarist for monopolistic, rustic, hardly bilingual, atheist believing in humanity who can relate to Hindu way of life. I would be happy if no one cries for freedom, none starves for food, there is no fight because of any religion, am not against rich but against the poverty, am not against believes but against illusions, am against hypocrisy, autocracy, ignorance and corruption.
I believe life is not a race but a journey & what we have with us is self so keep it humble & calm with principles & values, rest other things like money, power, intellect, support and enemies would come and go. Am a contradiction by any definition, dumb for intellectuals, warrior for certain goals, pacifist for warriors. I hate fundamentals of fundamentalist, morals of libertines, hypocrisies of general public & am lot many things about myself. I guess this is it, in bits & pieces about me, don't frown I may have made tall claims or even few errors. Suggestions & feedback are always welcome but no ideologies. :) spread smile not only by face but by actions.
I worry not only about my carbon footprints but also ethical footprints. I once only cared about blood diamonds but now I like to think about gas flaring too. Mahatma Gandhi inspire me so does Abraham Lincoln. I can imagine world without borders and pain for people from Sahara to India. I want to see a world as promise, if not that then as practically good as possible but not as the one which is now as a result of exploitation by few.
I know I lack the voice, however I too dream a dream. May be it may cause a change as a Chinese proverb says "A butterfly beating it wings in America can start a hurricane in China". Finally cutting long story short,about where & why are we today & how we would be where we want to be, I would like to quote Buddha “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”
Today I guess I have come to certain conclusion that at least in my regards the following for define me a lot:
The best line to start with would be "today we know price of everything and value of nothing" as famously said by Oscar Wilde. I am humanist at the core, nationalist for my country, democratic by nature, socialistic for capitalistic, capitalistic for communistic, welfarist for monopolistic, rustic, hardly bilingual, atheist believing in humanity who can relate to Hindu way of life. I would be happy if no one cries for freedom, none starves for food, there is no fight because of any religion, am not against rich but against the poverty, am not against believes but against illusions, am against hypocrisy, autocracy, ignorance and corruption.
I believe life is not a race but a journey & what we have with us is self so keep it humble & calm with principles & values, rest other things like money, power, intellect, support and enemies would come and go. Am a contradiction by any definition, dumb for intellectuals, warrior for certain goals, pacifist for warriors. I hate fundamentals of fundamentalist, morals of libertines, hypocrisies of general public & am lot many things about myself. I guess this is it, in bits & pieces about me, don't frown I may have made tall claims or even few errors. Suggestions & feedback are always welcome but no ideologies. :) spread smile not only by face but by actions.
I worry not only about my carbon footprints but also ethical footprints. I once only cared about blood diamonds but now I like to think about gas flaring too. Mahatma Gandhi inspire me so does Abraham Lincoln. I can imagine world without borders and pain for people from Sahara to India. I want to see a world as promise, if not that then as practically good as possible but not as the one which is now as a result of exploitation by few.
I know I lack the voice, however I too dream a dream. May be it may cause a change as a Chinese proverb says "A butterfly beating it wings in America can start a hurricane in China". Finally cutting long story short,about where & why are we today & how we would be where we want to be, I would like to quote Buddha “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”
Monday, March 1, 2010
who is to be blamed!!!
why don't people talk more about people without food, more than billion starving people, why isn't today politics not about necessities! is food more important than nuclear power, inflation affecting rich, bailouts, religion, do we have a plan to sort it out... we hate politicians for tax they raise, we are never concerned for people who would never pay tax in their life....
Its not because of them but because of us.. the people .. we have become more hypocrite with time... what’s more important is self satisfactions and gratification of temporal whimsical needs formed by desires created by advertisement or achieving life of pleasure at any cost, we would sympathise more with crying beggar show in newspaper campaign but not with more than billion farmers living on less than dollar a day & paradoxically providing food for the world. We will cry foul when a major company is not pro-green but on micro scale do we do enough rather anything!
Let there be free trade but not as freakily as its happening now.
For example let’s talk about a Haiti: a country who is forced to eat clay cakes. Links below contains reference to its historical food production & population, thanks to bank trade (as free trade which leads one country from sufficiency to starvation just because some companies or countries can increase their bank balance).
The example above makes us believe its them ..unknown them, people who are at top, corporate or politician who just want money...BUT REALLY ITS US.... it’s us... As Sigmund Freud famously said “we are our desires”. We are running towards our personal desires and we are unconsciously blind toward any other thing or turn blind eye..
We make noise when there is bomb blast in our city, we make noise against bird flu so does we worry about rising prices, and these are the issues which are in our daily news live or paper.... isn’t it strange.... there is nothing about starving people, who are not even affected by inflation, people living under $2.5 a day, you may be thinking they are not many, you never see them... yea they are not too many just less then half of world population, around 2.6 billion. More than rich people you see on the earth, more than number of cars on this earth!!!!
They why are not they in news, why are we get to know about them, and even if we do why don’t we pay attention... because we aren’t interested... yea aren’t ... its not we don’t care for sorrows of other.. its just that we are little biased.. for feeling sad about something it has too be glamorised, dead of a pop star made our world moan but a nation surviving on clay biscuits was just a story! There is protection for luxury production industries of industrialising nations by branding & professing quality consciousness but free trade for localised food production without conscience & concerned for well to do farmers turning into starving liability for a country.
Am surprise when people say farmer shift from food crops to cash crops but they forget same nations also have advantage in cash crops too, it’s just market strategy, one move at a time. So Am surprised when Europe blames it on America, as hypocritical as general people...
Few links for data reference:
Its not because of them but because of us.. the people .. we have become more hypocrite with time... what’s more important is self satisfactions and gratification of temporal whimsical needs formed by desires created by advertisement or achieving life of pleasure at any cost, we would sympathise more with crying beggar show in newspaper campaign but not with more than billion farmers living on less than dollar a day & paradoxically providing food for the world. We will cry foul when a major company is not pro-green but on micro scale do we do enough rather anything!
Let there be free trade but not as freakily as its happening now.
For example let’s talk about a Haiti: a country who is forced to eat clay cakes. Links below contains reference to its historical food production & population, thanks to bank trade (as free trade which leads one country from sufficiency to starvation just because some companies or countries can increase their bank balance).
The example above makes us believe its them ..unknown them, people who are at top, corporate or politician who just want money...BUT REALLY ITS US.... it’s us... As Sigmund Freud famously said “we are our desires”. We are running towards our personal desires and we are unconsciously blind toward any other thing or turn blind eye..
We make noise when there is bomb blast in our city, we make noise against bird flu so does we worry about rising prices, and these are the issues which are in our daily news live or paper.... isn’t it strange.... there is nothing about starving people, who are not even affected by inflation, people living under $2.5 a day, you may be thinking they are not many, you never see them... yea they are not too many just less then half of world population, around 2.6 billion. More than rich people you see on the earth, more than number of cars on this earth!!!!
They why are not they in news, why are we get to know about them, and even if we do why don’t we pay attention... because we aren’t interested... yea aren’t ... its not we don’t care for sorrows of other.. its just that we are little biased.. for feeling sad about something it has too be glamorised, dead of a pop star made our world moan but a nation surviving on clay biscuits was just a story! There is protection for luxury production industries of industrialising nations by branding & professing quality consciousness but free trade for localised food production without conscience & concerned for well to do farmers turning into starving liability for a country.
Am surprise when people say farmer shift from food crops to cash crops but they forget same nations also have advantage in cash crops too, it’s just market strategy, one move at a time. So Am surprised when Europe blames it on America, as hypocritical as general people...
Few links for data reference:
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Ravindra Vikram Singh is an advocate practicing at various courts in Delhi. This blog as the title suggest soliloquy, is a monologue on this perception of drama of life and society. Views are personal.